In recent years, systemic reforms have been carried out to reduce the state's participation in the economy, work has been carried out to continuously increase the share of the private sector in areas with an established competitive environment, as well as increasing the share of the private sector through privatisation of non-core, inefficiently used and empty assets in its sphere.
In order to systematically continue the above mentioned reforms, the State Assets Management Agency (hereinafter - UzSAMA/customer) was assigned the task to engage consultants to increase the share of the private sector in the sectors of the economy and to develop a methodology for assessing the status of privatisation of assets.
In this regard, UzSAMA announces a competition to engage a professional consulting company (hereinafter - Consultant) to develop a methodology (hereinafter - Methodology) to assess the implementation of tasks to increase the share of the private sector in the economy and privatisation of assets assigned to the republican and local authorities, as well as enterprises with state participation.
All interested applicants are invited to submit their proposals in accordance with the Request for Proposals (RfP) below by 18:00 (Tashkent time) on 21 June 2024.
In case of joint commercial proposal submission, a main consultant should be identified who is responsible for coordinating the work of the involved consultant partner and takes the responsibility.
Interested consultants are kindly requested to send commercial proposals in coded form, to the contact address below:
Ibragimov Mahmud Bahodirovich - Chief specialist of the sector;
Phone: +998-71-259-22-24;
This request does not constitute an obligation to submit a commercial proposal, nor does the Customer make any commitment to accept any proposal or to enter into a contract pursuant to this request for proposals. Accordingly, this request for proposals does not imply the award of a contract by virtue of the issuance of this request for proposals and/or the receipt of applications in connection with this request for proposals, or by negotiation and discussions with one or more participants in the selection process with respect to the Methodology.
The materials and information contained herein are intended to be a preliminary summary and the most important aspects of the Methodology, as well as a general indication of the scope of work expected of the Consultant.
The selection participants cannot and shall not rely on anything except for the sole limited purpose of preparing initial presentations and proposals to the Customer in connection with the selection process.
Request for Proposals (RfP) for the engagement of a consultant to develop a methodology to assess the implementation of the tasks of increasing the share of the private sector and privatisation of assets assigned to national and local authorities, as well as enterprises with state participation
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ‘On Additional Measures to Reduce State Participation in the Economy’ dated 19 April 2024 № DP-162 instructed to ensure the approval of the methodology for assessing the implementation of tasks to reduce state participation in the economy with a developed private sector, creating a favourable competitive environment for the private sector, as well as further acceleration of privatisation processes (hereinafter - Methodology), and on its basis, starting from the end of 2024, the formation and publication of the rating.
Scope of and requirements for the Consultants' services:
- Review of international experience relevant (similar) to the objectives and subject matter of this ToR;
- Macroeconomic overview of the Republic of Uzbekistan (by sector, dynamics of foreign direct investment, etc.); Identification of the list of government agencies responsible for the development of a particular sector;
- Determination of the share of the public sector in the economy, by industries;
- Market entry of new entrants to analyse and assess the level of competition in the industry; changes in the share of private companies; determination of the number of complaints about violations of competition legislation (jointly with the Committee for Competition Development and Consumer Protection);
- Assessment of the level of government intervention through the provision of subsidies, benefits and preferences for the industry;
- Interview-based analyses on the progress towards meeting the objectives of reducing government involvement in the economy, including a review of the share of the economy that has gone into private hands;
- A review of private sector dynamics, including growth in private investment, increase in the number of private enterprises, increased competition and innovation;
- Review the productivity and efficiency comparisons of private enterprises and benchmark them against state-owned enterprises;
Based on the information received, develop a methodology for assessing the continuous increase in the share of the private sector, privatisation of assets in areas with an established competitive environment, as well as non-core, inefficiently used and empty assets in their sphere, including:
- Determination of privatisation target indicators according to the adopted Privatisation Programmes of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Formation of a list of target indicators for assessment of continuous increase in the share of the private sector, privatisation of assets in areas with a formed competitive environment, as well as non-core, inefficiently used and empty assets in their sphere by the republican and local executive authorities, economic companies;
- The principle of assigning ratings according to the list of target indicators of privatisation of assets and increasing the share of the private sector;
- Formula for calculating indicators for assets and services;
- Key standardised recommendations and initiatives according to the assigned rating of republican and local executive authorities, economic entities;
- Determination of the starting point for evaluation and rating of executive authorities, economic entities;
- Organising and holding a seminar to discuss the draft Methodology with state bodies and business entities with a state share of more than 50%, which are assigned tasks under the Decree;
- Preparation of a draft departmental regulatory legal document providing for approval of the methodology and a roadmap for its phased implementation;
- Proposal to monitor implementation and publish the rating of responsible bodies;
- Assistance in drafting the first rating.
On the selection processes of the proposals received
The Consultant's (individual applicant or Consortium) proposal shall be prepared in Uzbek and Russian languages and shall contain information on the following:
- The Consultant's vision for the organisation of the works with a detailed description of the proposed activities. Opinion on the duration of the works in case the Customer will respond promptly to the Consultant's recommendations and suggestions (up to 10 points);
- Fixed remuneration - in the form of a single figure (including VAT, overheads and other costs) and at the same time free from subjective assumptions of the Consultant himself (up to 40 points);
If a range price proposal is submitted, the upper limit of the range is taken for the evaluation of the proposal. Possible additional operational costs (travelling, translation, etc.) and tax (VAT) shall be included in the fixed part of the price; - Information on the Consultant's experience on similar work, including information on the Consultant's mandates in the CIS region and from 1 January 2019 to date (up to 25 points);
- Details of the team involved in the proposed work, including names of individuals and information on their: work experience, length of service, general and specific experience on similar work. Team members' command of the Uzbek language is encouraged (up to 25 points);
Written statement on the availability of sufficient competence, as well as human, time, material resources to fulfil the assigned tasks;
Information on the presence of conflict of interest.